News Published on April 10, 2024

START Survey

Dear careworkers,

At this time, we lack sufficient data describing the reality of the workplace for live-in carerworkers in Austria. As a result, our sector and its specific problems remain largely invisible, which makes it difficult to develop solutions.

To fill this gap, we will be running our own survey for live-in care-workers, as part of the "Making the invisible work visible. Data collection on 24-hour live-in carers" project. The success of this survey depends on you, as well! Please support us by answering the survey below:

Thank you for your participation!


The project "Making the invisible work visible. Data collection on 24-hour live-in carers" is carried out by FORBA - Working Life Research Centre, IG24 – Interest Group for 24h Carers in Austria, the Institute of Sociology of the University of Vienna and CuraFAIR - Contact Point for 24-hour carers.

Funded by: the Digitisation Fund of the Vienna Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer Wien) 2023-2024.