1 Providers of the website

IG24 - Association for the promotion of the interests of 24-hour caregivers in Austria.
(IG24 – Verband zur Förderung der Interessen der 24-Stunden-Betreuer_innen in Österreich)

Address: Ennsgasse 20/Top 4, 1020 Vienna, Austria.
E-mail: kontakt@ig24.at

FORBA - Working Life Research Centre
(FORBA - Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Arbeitswelt)

Aspernbrückengasse 4 / 5, A-1020 Vienna
E-mail: office@forba.at


2 Scope of application

This confidentiality agreement informs users about the nature, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data by the responsible providers of this website. We take the protection of your data very seriously and process your data exclusively on the basis of the legal provisions (DSGVO, DSG, TKG 2021).

3 Data protection

In the following, we will inform you about the most important aspects of data processing within the scope of our website.

Data processing of visitors to our website

If you contact us by e-mail, we will store the data you provide for the purpose of processing your inquiry. We do not pass on this data without your consent.

Access data / Server log files

Our web space provider collects data about every access to the website (server log files). When you visit our website, your IP address, the beginning and end of the session are recorded for the duration of this session. This is technically required and thus represents a legitimate interest iSv Art 6 para 1 lit f DSGVO. When using this general data and information, we do not draw any conclusions about the data subject.

The access data includes:

- Visited website

- Time at the time of access

- Amount of data sent in bytes

- Source/reference from which you reached the page

- Browser used

- Operating system used

- IP address used

This data is processed for the purpose of enabling the use of the website (connection establishment), for system security, technical administration of the network infrastructure and for optimising the Internet offering. However, the provider reserves the right to check the log data retrospectively if there is a justified suspicion of unlawful use on the basis of concrete indications, for example in the event of a hacker attack.

As a rule, server log files are stored for 2 weeks and then deleted. In case of suspicion of illegal use, the respective data is excluded from deletion until the final clarification of the respective incident.

The web hosters/providers have undertaken to ensure that appropriate measures are taken in accordance with the DSGVO and that the protection of personal data is guaranteed.

Your rights: With regard to your data stored by us, you are generally entitled to the rights of information, correction, deletion, restriction, data portability, revocation and objection. If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection rights have otherwise been violated in any way, you can file a complaint at office@forba or kontakt@ig24.at or to the data protection authority.


Our website uses cookies. These are small text files that are stored on your end device with the help of the browser. They do no harm, are functionally necessary and do not store any personal data. The cookies are used in this case to save the language selection for the website (required) and for Google Analytics (optional).

4 Storage period & security measures

Storage period

IG24 stores personal data only as long as they are needed for the purpose of processing (in particular for the fulfillment of contracts and the provision of our services). In addition, there may be legal obligations to retain data, e.g. according to the Austrian Commercial Code (UGB) and the Federal Fiscal Code (BAO). If your personal data is no longer required, we delete the data from our databases immediately after the statutory retention periods have expired.

Security measures

We secure our website and other systems on which personal data is stored and processed by appropriate technical and organisational measures against loss, destruction, access, alteration or distribution of your data by unauthorised persons.

IG24 only works with processors (such as the provider/web host of the website) that provide sufficient guarantees that appropriate measures are taken in accordance with the GDPR and that the protection of personal data is guaranteed.

List of our processors:
Hetzner Online Gmbh, Web Hosting

The security measures also include the encrypted transmission of data between your browser and our server.

As a data subject, you have the right to information about the stored data pursuant to Art 15 GDPR, to correction of inaccurate data pursuant to Art 16 GDPR, to deletion of data pursuant to Art 17 GDPR, to restriction of the processing of data pursuant to Art 18 GDPR, to object to unreasonable data processing pursuant to Art 21 GDPR, and to data portability pursuant to Art 20 GDPR. If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection rights have been violated in any way, you can complain at office@forba or kontakt@ig24.at or to the data protection authority. In Austria, the competent authority is:

Austrian Data Protection Authority

Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Vienna
Telephone: +43 1 52 152-0
E-mail: dsb@dsb.gv.at

6 Liability

The contents of our website have been carefully developed and checked by the authors, but no guarantee can be given. Any liability of FORBA, IG24 and their employees for personal injury, property damage and financial loss is excluded.

Online contents: The authors do not assume any liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the authors relating to material or immaterial damage caused by the use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are excluded, unless the authors are proven to be at fault due to intent or gross negligence. All offers are subject to change and non-binding. The authors expressly reserve the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice, or to cease publication temporarily or permanently.

References and links: In the case of direct or indirect references to external websites ("hyperlinks"), which lie outside the area of responsibility of the author, a liability obligation would only come into force in the event that the authors have knowledge of the content and it would be technically possible and reasonable for them to prevent use in the event of illegal content. The authors hereby expressly declare that at the time the links were created, no illegal content was identifiable on the linked pages. Furthermore, the authors have no influence on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked pages. This statement applies to all links and references set within the own internet offer. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such information, only the provider of the linked page is liable.